Dog Grooming Salon Carina
Short Intro
In addition, a portfolio was built where photos are automatically posted on Facebook, Instagram and the website. The SEO has also been optimised and the visibility on google maps has been improved.
On the website, a price list page has been created with a clear feed view of how expensive it is to have a particular breed of dog cut. This price list is loaded from a MYSQL database and can be easily modified. To make it easier to search for a particular breed. Features such as a search bar and a sorting function by name and price are built in. Naturally, there are more treatments than just trimming these divided into 3 other tables below.
To make it easier to show photos of treatments. A feature has been created that automatically shows pictures from Instagram using an Instagram API. This ensures that the moment your photos are on Instagram that they are also immediately on Facebook and the website.
Making appointments should, of course, be as easy as possible. A contact page has therefore been created with all the details needed to make an appointment this can be by phone or email. There is also an e-mail form that sends an e-mail directly to the company’s e-mail address. There are also a number of links to the company’s socials.