
that are made with passion

Littie of Littienie

This Boules Club is a vibrant community of boules enthusiasts. This website serves as a valuable resource, providing essential information about the club’s activities and offerings. Sush as an event agenda and contact form. For members there is a:
– Member List: Connect with fellow members within the club.
– Agenda: Access a detailed schedule of upcoming activities and games.
– Photo Album: Browse through memorable pictures of events.
– Match Results: Keep track of the latest match results.
Littie of Littienie

Dog Grooming Salon Carina

Dog grooming salon Carina is a website designed and built in Wordpress. The website helps customers find more information about the company. This includes price list, working methods, house rules, the salon and how to get in touch for an appointment.
In addition, a portfolio was built where photos are automatically posted on Facebook, Instagram and the website. The SEO has also been optimised and the visibility on google maps has been improved.
Dog Grooming Salon Carina


Windcentrale is a custom component for Home Assistant a free and open-source software for home automation. The custom component lets you sign in to your account and collects data from multiple API’s. The data is divided in three sensor groups:
– The first group is the live data of the wind turbines.
– The Second group is the history data of the wind turbines.
– The Third group is news data about the Windcentrale and the wind turbines.